POMA, committed group

focus on disability

Act for the inclusion of

people with disabilities

POMA places a strong focus on Inclusion and Disability issues. Several actions are conducted jointly by the Human Resources, CSR, Foundation, and Marketing teams to act at all levels of the Company.

focus on

concrete actions

Awareness days are organised on the employment of people with disabilities and on sports; actions in which employees are actively involved by devoting time to assist people with disabilities in their career plan and job search.


At the same time, a special working group is currently carrying out a “Disability Diagnostic”. This should enable the POMA Group to strive towards a better inclusion of people with disabilities, and to raise awareness among the teams.


The company has also signed the H+ Sport Charter, which aims to promote Parasports and Adaptive Sports, and to help athletes with disabilities.

This reaffirms our commitment to support athletes, especially skiers who are from our “great family” of the Mountains.



disabled athletes

With this in mind, POMA has supported two disabled skiers for several years:

  • Marie Bochet, multiple world parasports champion and Paralympic champion in alpine skiing, Member of the French military ski team.
  • Cédric Chevassus, Professional disabled skier.

Marie is also a member of the Board of Directors of our Corporate Foundation, two of whose focus areas are Sports and Disability.

It is therefore quite natural that the initial projects supported involved assisting the French parasports and adaptive ski championships. Some forty employees participated as volunteers.

C'est donc assez naturellement que les premiers projets soutenus ont été l'aide aux championnats de France de ski handisport et sport adapté. Une quarantaine de collaborateurs volontaires ont participé en tant que bénévoles.

It is therefore quite natural that the initial projects supported involved assisting the French parasports and adaptive ski championships. Some forty employees participated as volunteers.