This website is accessible at the following URL address: (hereinafter the “Website”). Its purpose is to provide Internet users with corporate information on POMA and the POMA Group and links to the various websites of its subsidiaries.
The following legal notices apply to all Internet users visiting this Website. The Website and its content are created in accordance with the rules applicable in France, even if they are accessible in other languages. Only the French version is deemed to be legally binding.
Please read the legal notice carefully before accessing the pages contained in this Website.
Website Editors
POMA SAS with share capital of €2,000,000 /
Intra-community VAT FR 77055501902 /
Grenoble trade and companies register no. 055 501 902 /
APE 7112B
whose head office is located at POMA 109, rue Aristide Bergès 38340 VOREPPE – Postal address: 109, rue Aristide Bergès – CS 30047 – 38341 Voreppe Cedex – France.
Tel : +33 4 76 28 70 00
Fax : +33 4 76 28 71 67
E-mail : – website:
- Legal representative: Mr Fabien FELLI
- Publication director: Mr Fabien FELLI
- Editorial manager: Ms Carole MANCINI
Website Host
alter way, Bat D, 1 Rue Royale, 92210 Saint-Cloud
Tél : +33 1 41 16 34 95
POMA strives to regularly update all data available on the Website. This data is for general information only. The technical characteristics and equipment described are given for illustrative purposes only and are not contractually binding. POMA does not guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the data provided. POMA does not undertake under any circumstances to update or correct the information distributed on the Internet or on their Web servers. POMA reserves the right to modify or correct the content of its websites at any time without notice.
No warranties, either expressed or implied, of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are made with respect to this information or to any product referred to in this information.
Consequently and with the exception of gross negligence or wilful misconduct, POMA declines all liability for any direct or indirect damage that may result from accessing and using the Website and this data and in particular from the imprecision, inaccuracy or obsolescence of the information available on our Website or for any infringement resulting from a fraudulent intrusion of a third party into our Website with the intention of harming the interests or the image of POMA or the POMA Group, in particular by distorting the information listed on the Website.
Please contact us if you think it contains an error.
POMA will not be liable for any damage or virus which could damage your computer equipment or render it unusable following your visit to our Website despite the security measures implemented.
All the information and documents on the Website (texts, images whether animated or not, databases, sounds, photos, know-how, products mentioned) featured on the Website as well as all the elements created for the Website and its general structure, are the exclusive property of POMA or the POMA Group or are subject to rights of use, reproduction and representation granted to POMA.
No licence or any right other than to view the Website is granted to any party with regard to intellectual property rights.
Any reproduction, total or partial, and any representation of the content and data of the Website, of one or more of its components, by any means whatsoever and in any form whatsoever is prohibited without the prior written authorisation of POMA or the POMA Group. Any reproduction or representation not authorised by POMA constitutes an infringement punishable under Articles L. 335-2 and subsequent of the French Intellectual Property Code. In all cases, authorised duplication of information stored on this Website must cite the source and make adequate references given by POMA as to ownership.
Company names, logos, products, drawings, models and brands cited and/or presented on the Website are the property of POMA or the POMA Group, or are subject to rights of use, reproduction or representation granted to them.
It is therefore strictly prohibited to use or reproduce them for any purpose whatsoever and in particular for advertising purposes without the prior written consent of POMA. Offenders will be liable to prosecution.
Collection of data
Your personal data collected on the Website will be processed by authorised persons within the POMA departments. This personal data will be used by said departments in particular for information and external communication purposes relating to the purpose or activity pursued by POMA, for organisational purposes, for the purposes of collecting Google Analytics and social media sharing statistics (for example on Twitter), as well as for fulfilling the accounting and fiscal obligations provided for by law.
In any case, the personal data thus collected will not be used for political or electoral canvassing or for commercial purposes. This data will not be processed, interconnected or linked with other applications.
Users are informed that they have the right to access their personal information and the right to object and rectify it, under the provisions of French law no. 78-17 dated January 6, 1978 in its latest version in force. This right may be exercised by a letter sent, with proof of identity, to the following address: POMA – 109, rue Aristide Bergès – CS 30047 – 38341 Voreppe Cedex – France.
In general, a cookie is information placed on your computer's hard drive by the server of the website you are visiting.
POMA uses cookies in order to carry out Website traffic analyses and audience measurement by collecting your browsing information. It also uses these cookies to allow you to use sharing features on social media. The information collected by POMA in this manner is anonymous and is collected for the sole purpose of carrying out audience measurement and analysis of the Website and to meet the requirements of its users.
The cookies used on the Website have a maximum lifespan of 13 months.
If you disable cookies, the behaviour of the Website will remain unchanged; however, you will no longer be able to use social media sharing features.
In general, a cookie is information placed on your computer's hard drive by the server of the website you are visiting.
POMA uses cookies in order to carry out Website traffic analyses and audience measurement by collecting your browsing information. It also uses these cookies to allow you to use sharing features on social media. The information collected by POMA in this manner is anonymous and is collected for the sole purpose of carrying out audience measurement and analysis of the Website and to meet the requirements of its users.
The cookies used on the Website have a maximum lifespan of 13 months.
If you disable cookies, the behaviour of the Website will remain unchanged; however, you will no longer be able to use social media sharing features.
Article 6 – CREDITS
- Alban PERNET
- Alp Image
- Clément Denis
- Dassault Systèmes – Eiffage – POMA
- Egis-Eiffage -Engie
- F10 Studios
- Filiales POMA
- Flaticon
- Fred Malguy
- Freepik
- Isair Film
- Jean-Pierre GARDET
- Julien FOURNOL
- La Mobylette Jaune
- Leitwind
- Les yeux carrés
- Marks Barfield Architects
- Offices de Tourisme
- Philippe Exertier
- Pixhere
- Robert LACAS
- Robin Martin
- Ricard Bord
- Seb Montaz
- Sky fiction
- ZooParc de Beauval
- X…
It is understood (ii) that errors may make the Website temporarily unavailable; and that (iii) the operation of the Website may be affected by events and/or problems over which the Company has no control such as, for example, the means of transmission and communication between you and POMA and between POMA and other networks.
POMA and/or its suppliers reserve the right at any time to modify or temporarily or permanently suspend all or part of the Website without incurring their liability and without this giving rise to the award of damages of any nature whatsoever.