POMA Foundation

With a view to structuring its social initiatives and creating connections between people in its areas of operation, the POMA Group created the POMA Corporate Foundation, an independent, non-profit legal entity, at the end of 2019.
In a context of profound changes (environmental and societal challenges, growth of the Group), the Foundation finds its purpose by epitomising the Group’s values of Solidarity and Commitment. It also embodies the wish of the employees from its various entities to take part in a unifying, meaningful project, to act together for the common good.
Our mission and our actions
The mission of the Foundation is to: Encourage and develop mobility, a field in which the Group has substantial expertise and experience, in the fields of sport, disability, solidarity and the environment.
The Foundation supports non-profit organisations and project leaders through financial sponsorship, but above all through skills sponsorship, and the involvement of its teams in the field, by organising a Day of Solidarity Action open to all employees.
Corporate Foundation

Submit a support request
To propose a project to the foundation, find out the procedure to follow and all the conditions to be eligible for support from the POMA Foundation.
Learn more
Projects supported
La Fondation POMA a pour mission de soutenir des projets d’intérêt général ayant un lien avec la Mobilité, dans les domaines du sport, du handicap, de la solidarité et de l’environnement.
Learn moreThe Women and Men
of the POMA Foundation
“For many years, our employees in France and in our international entities have carried out pragmatic social initiatives in favour of our environment and with our Partners.
We wanted to give this a boost in the POMA Group by setting up “our FOUNDATION” based on sharing and the commitment of many of us, a unifying project which is expressed in particular through skills sponsorship.
This project is fully in line with our Corporate Social Responsibility approach and meets our objectives of civic and community engagement and local development.
Since December 2019, we have therefore been operational and our first initiatives have been successful and widely appreciated. Long live the POMA Foundation and to all the participants”

the Foundation team

The Operational Team
The Foundation is managed by a Selection Committee, made up of twenty volunteer employees with backgrounds as rich as they are diverse and from the 5 entities of the Group.
They lead the committee by proposing ideas, contributing their experience and informed advice, and pre-selecting projects, with conviction and team spirit.
The Foundation is managed by a Selection Committee, made up of twenty volunteer employees with backgrounds as rich as they are diverse and from the 5 entities of the Group.
They lead the committee by proposing ideas, contributing their experience and informed advice, and pre-selecting projects, with conviction and team spirit.

The Administrators
The Foundation is placed under the control of a board of directors comprising twelve members: four Group employees, four managers and four “external experts” who guide its strategy and approve the budgets.
By bringing an outside perspective and offering their sound advice in their respective areas of expertise, in connection with the various missions of the Foundation, our four specialists, external to the company, participate in the orientation of strategic choices, alongside of the internal team.
Check out their profile below.
Marie Bochet
“The mountains connect us, but the Foundation really embodies the connection I have with POMA and further reinforces the values that we defend. It gives me the opportunity to take concrete action on projects that have meaning for me, alongside the people involved”.
Multiple world parasports champion and Paralympic champion in alpine skiing, Member of the French military ski team

Ingrid TAMS
“Being part of the early days of a Foundation is exciting! I am proud to share with the teams my experience on environmental issues, at the heart of the POMA Foundation’s projects”.
Environmental Manager of the SEB Group, Volunteer for the association “A Chacun Son Everest”

François CARREGA
“I joined the Foundation out of admiration, friendship and loyalty to the men and women who have made POMA successful, their simplicity, their commitment and their desire to take their group and their employees forward”.
Former associate statutory auditor and auditor at the firm EY, Deputy CEO of the family holding company Wendel Participations and General Secretary of the Wendel Foundation, Administrator and treasurer of the association Orchestre à l’Ecole, Administrator and financial controller of several other associations working for the memory of French people born in Algeria.

“Because a foundation is the bedrock of a structure that conveys purpose, we must aim for the top.”
Former manager of a company employing people with a disability, specialised in industrial subcontracting Member of several SSE associations and structures.

The Foundation, it’s
employees on the Selection Committee
projects supported
employees involved