Equateur – Guayaquil – 2020


In order to improve the flow of daily traffic between Duran and Guayaquil, Ecuador’s economic capital, and offer an alternative solution for crossing the estuary, the local authorities have opted for ropeway transportation.

Ecuador’s first urban gondola lift links Duran and Guayaquil, providing fast, smooth travel throughout the transport network for 40,000 passengers a day.

product range
Urban Gondola Lift
Connect – peri-urban link
More about

The project

Duran, on the opposite bank of the Guayas river, has tripled its population over twenty years to more than 250,000 inhabitants, the vast majority of whom work in Guayaquil, the economic capital of Ecuador. The only bridge linking the two cities is saturated with traffic every day, despite five lanes in each direction.
To address this mobility issue, and to propose an alternative solution for crossing the estuary that could be implemented quickly, the municipality was won over by urban ropeway transportation, of which there are many models in South America!
Aerovia is a 100% horizontal gondola lift that is 4 km long and carries 40,000 passengers per day in its 154 ten-seater cabins, avoiding a 45-minute trip by car.


the Aerovia




4063 m

Difference in altitude

12 m


jusqu’à 2 600 personnes/h



5 m/s

nombre de stations

Number of stations


Number of cabines


Number of passengers


POMA, innovation

for the project

Ecuador’s first

overhead inter-urban link

Guayaquil has joined the club of metropolises equipped with a POMA urban ropeway transportation system.



In addition to design and construction, POMA has been working alongside its partner SOFRATESA for gondola lift maintenance and operation for almost 30 years.
A concession-based model that heralds a new stage in the evolution of our business and customer support.



Beyond transportation, Aerovia has been designed to blend into the city and the life of its inhabitants. In Guayaquil, the three stations are located at strategic sites: on the Malecon Simon Bolivar at the edge of the river, at Julian Coronel park which serves as a hub for the city buses, and finally, on Quito avenue near the Centennial park, right in the city centre.
Local services will be made available, as well as shops, restaurants and banks on the different floors of the stations.

Technical challenges

This gondola lift was a technological challenge from the start, in particular the securing of the support posts for the seven towers a few dozen metres under water in the Guayas river.

Aerovia in pictures

They talk about it

Aerovia de Guauaquil

As massive urbanisation grows throughout the world, sustainable overhead transport solutions are redesigning the face of urban mobility. This project in Guayaquil is a perfect example: an overhead solution that passes easily and quickly over the Guayas river and the traffic jams in the city centre, and a sustainable decarbonised means of public transport.

POMA Sales Manager, South America

Guillaume Ployon


POMA urban references

View all

Santiago – Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic – Santiago de los caballeros – In progress

The Dominican government has set up the SITS (Santiago Integrated Transport System) to support urban development in the country’s second-largest city, Santiago de los Caballeros. A soft and sustainable mobility service accessible to all is at the heart of the project and will include a monorail, bicycles, electric buses and a nearly 4 km long…


P Line – Metrocable

Colombia – Medellin – 2021

A social and economic link, Medellin’s Metrocable is the emblem of a city on the move. The 6th line of the metrocable took off in 2022 to extend its public transport network, serving sustainable and soft mobility


Los Alcarrizos – Santo Domingo

Dominican Republic – Santo Domingo – 2022

The city of Santo Domingo inaugurates its new urban aerial tramway line, the fastest in the world. The monocable system criss-crosses the sky over a 4.2-km stretch and serves four stations, offering a perfect soft mobility solution between the city centre and the suburbs.


Citadel of Namur gondola lift

Belgique – Namur – 2021

In Namur, Belgium, the ropeway connects the city centre to the Citadel Esplanade, flying over the river Sambre and the ramparts. Tourists and locals alike enjoy the experience of a silent trip with a breathtaking viewpoint. An ecological mode of travel, it blends harmoniously into its environment, by virtue of its modern architecture that respects…



Géorgie – Chiatura – 2020

To retrofit its urban overhead transport system, the city of Chiatura chose POMA. Four small urban ropeways, developed specifically to satisfy the needs in terms of capacity and the constraints regarding distances, have replaced some (very) old Russian ropeways.


Tizi Ouzou

Algeria – Tizi Ouzou – 2019

POMA has developed a three-section aerial transport line with a total length of 5 km consisting of two gondola lifts and an aerial ropeway in Tizi Ouzou, a town located 100 km from Algiers.


Airtram New York

USA – New York – 2010

With the installation of this ultra-modern aerial tramway, POMA has provided New Yorkers with the most advanced technology in urban ropeway transportation. It is 960 m long and connects Roosevelt Island to Manhattan in just three minutes, passing over the East River in great comfort with unique views of New York through the huge windows…



France – Toulouse – 2021

More than 8,000 passengers will board the cabins of the Téléo tricable ropeway every day. Part of the Toulouse Agglomeration’s transport network, it crosses a river and travels over a hill to link three major hubs of activity in the south of Toulouse: the University Cancer Institute, Rangueil Hospital and Paul Sabatier University.


La Réunion

Réunion Island – Saint Denis – 2020

POMA built the first metrocable in the Indian Ocean in Saint Denis on Réunion Island. It provides safe, fast and quiet travel, connecting strategic neighbourhoods and delivering a better service to the island.


Pereira Megacable

Colombia – Pereira – 2021

Pereira Megacable is the first urban gondola lift to be 100% integrated into the public transport system of the city of Pereira. It is also the first lift in the country to be equipped with a DirectDrive®.


Nizhny Novgorod

Russia – Nizhny Novgorod – 2011

La première télécabine urbaine en Russie permet aux habitants de Nijni Novgorod de se rendre quotidiennement dans la ville industrielle de Bor, en traversant le plus grand fleuve d’Europe par les airs.
