France – Toulouse – 2021

3S Ropeway • Téléo

More than 8,000 passengers board the cabins of the Téléo tricable ropeway every day. Part of the Toulouse Agglomeration’s transport network, it crosses a river and travels over a hill to link three major hubs of activity in the south of Toulouse: the Oncopole, Rangueil Hospital and Paul Sabatier University.

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Connect – urban link
More about

The project

In France's aeronautical capital, an overhead mobility solution is right at home!

Téléo is part of the city's public transport network, covering almost 3 kilometres in 10 minutes to connect Rangueil Hospital, the Oncopole and Paul Sabatier University, all major hubs of activity in Toulouse employing 85,000 people.

Eagerly awaited by its 8,000 daily users, it eases traffic in the south of the city, in connection with three metro train lines.

Ropeway transportation was selected because it is the most appropriate solution for adapting perfectly to the terrain of the line—the ropeway crosses the Garonne river and travels over Pech David hill—and “detachable 3S” POMA technology was chosen for its excellent capacity to withstand the wind and its minimal requirements for ground space.






3000 m


90 m


1500 people/hour (ultimately 2000)



7,5 m/s

Number of cabins

15 (ultimately 20)

Number of passengers



1 cabin

every 1 min. 30 sec.

Nombre de pylones



nombre de stations

Number of stations




Double DirectDrive®

POMA, innovation

for the project


urban aerial ropeway

in France

With its 3-kilometre line between the Oncopole and Paul Sabatier University—two of the city’s main areas of activity—Téléo is the longest urban ropeway in France


Téléo connects to the existing metro and bus lines in the south of the agglomeration and interlaces with the public transport network. Its transport capacity is capable of growing according to the needs of the inhabitants of Toulouse, by adding new carriers to reach a capacity of 2000 pphpd.



The carbon footprint of ropeway transportation is very low (30 times less than for cars), by virtue of its lightweight infrastructure combined with 100% electric motorisation and energy options. Téléo is a model of decarbonised eco-mobility.


and Design

Pininfarina, the famous designer for Ferrari, created the look for Toulouse’s “Urban Symphony” cabins. Onboard the Symphony you can find optimum comfort for 34 passengers, who will appreciate the peace and quiet as well as the breath-taking view of the Pyrenees!


The passenger route has been optimised to ensure accessibility for all passengers and the interior layout of the cabins was submitted to and approved by the association CARUT, a representative body of urban transport users with disabilities.

Moreover, with their wide openings and the carriers stopping in the stations, boarding is easier for everyone, including passengers with equipment (wheelchairs, pushchairs, bicycles, etc.).

Reduced ground requirements

3S technology has a remarkable advantage in urban environments: its limited requirement for land and its visual impact. Stations can be off the ground and very compact, and only a small number of towers are installed. Despite being 3 kilometres long, the ropeway in Toulouse requires only five towers.

Téléo in pictures


POMA Urban references

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Santiago – Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic – Santiago de los caballeros – In progress

The Dominican government has set up the SITS (Santiago Integrated Transport System) to support urban development in the country’s second-largest city, Santiago de los Caballeros. A soft and sustainable mobility service accessible to all is at the heart of the project and will include a monorail, bicycles, electric buses and a nearly 4 km long…


P Line – Metrocable

Colombia – Medellin – 2021

A social and economic link, Medellin’s Metrocable is the emblem of a city on the move. The 6th line of the metrocable took off in 2022 to extend its public transport network, serving sustainable and soft mobility


Los Alcarrizos – Santo Domingo

Dominican Republic – Santo Domingo – 2022

The city of Santo Domingo inaugurates its new urban aerial tramway line, the fastest in the world. The monocable system criss-crosses the sky over a 4.2-km stretch and serves four stations, offering a perfect soft mobility solution between the city centre and the suburbs.


Citadel of Namur gondola lift

Belgique – Namur – 2021

In Namur, Belgium, the ropeway connects the city centre to the Citadel Esplanade, flying over the river Sambre and the ramparts. Tourists and locals alike enjoy the experience of a silent trip with a breathtaking viewpoint. An ecological mode of travel, it blends harmoniously into its environment, by virtue of its modern architecture that respects…



Equateur – Guayaquil – ongoing project

In order to improve the flow of daily traffic between Duran and Guayaquil, Ecuador’s economic capital, and offer an alternative solution for crossing the estuary, the local authorities have opted for ropeway transportation. Ecuador’s first urban gondola lift links Duran and Guayaquil, providing fast, smooth travel throughout the transport network for 40,000 passengers a day.



Géorgie – Chiatura – 2020

To retrofit its urban overhead transport system, the city of Chiatura chose POMA. Four small urban ropeways, developed specifically to satisfy the needs in terms of capacity and the constraints regarding distances, have replaced some (very) old Russian ropeways.


Tizi Ouzou

Algeria – Tizi Ouzou – 2019

POMA has developed a three-section aerial transport line with a total length of 5 km consisting of two gondola lifts and an aerial ropeway in Tizi Ouzou, a town located 100 km from Algiers.


Airtram New York

USA – New York – 2010

With the installation of this ultra-modern aerial tramway, POMA has provided New Yorkers with the most advanced technology in urban ropeway transportation. It is 960 m long and connects Roosevelt Island to Manhattan in just three minutes, passing over the East River in great comfort with unique views of New York through the huge windows…


La Réunion

Réunion Island – Saint Denis – 2020

POMA built the first metrocable in the Indian Ocean in Saint Denis on Réunion Island. It provides safe, fast and quiet travel, connecting strategic neighbourhoods and delivering a better service to the island.


Pereira Megacable

Colombia – Pereira – 2021

Pereira Megacable is the first urban gondola lift to be 100% integrated into the public transport system of the city of Pereira. It is also the first lift in the country to be equipped with a DirectDrive®.


Nizhny Novgorod

Russia – Nizhny Novgorod – 2011

La première télécabine urbaine en Russie permet aux habitants de Nijni Novgorod de se rendre quotidiennement dans la ville industrielle de Bor, en traversant le plus grand fleuve d’Europe par les airs.
